The Best Managed WordPress Hosting Provider | WP Engine Review

WP Engine is one of the most popular and the best managed wordpress hosting providers for hosting your WordPress websites. The platform was created and maintained in Austin, Texas, and is used by 30,000 customers in more than 120 countries around the world.

The platform can be purchased at different prices depending on your specific user needs, from personal to professional to business. There are many reasons for using the WP Engine for your WordPress sites.

WP Engine is the best managed WordPress hosting provider on the web which can help you to run your website at a reasonable price.

Before deciding to purchase WordPress hosting service for your WordPress website or blog, you should consider the following features also which we have mentioned here for Wp Engine Review.

Best Managed WordPress Hosting

The Best Managed WordPress Hosting Provider | WP Engine Review

1. 24/7 Phone Support: You can get in touch with the field staff by chat or by phone when you need to get a member of the expert WordPress support team. They will help you solve almost any problem on the WordPress site.

2. Automatic Regular Backups: You will receive an automatic daily backup. All files, WordPress databases, website content, and settings are automatically backed up every night.

3. Safe & Secure: WordPress is known for its security holes. WP Engine provides built in enterprise class website security to help protect your website and the entire WordPress hosting environment.

4. One Click Restores: Don’t worry if you made a mistake or deleted something? Or has the recent upgrade broken your website? Recover from any number of multiple backup points with just 1 single click and safely resume your work again within 5 minutes!

This feature is worth the monthly fee! There are no additional charges for this feature.

5. One-Click Manual Backup: You can make a manual backup at any time you want, which is useful for extracting backups before performing any upgrades or making any major changes to your website or blog.

6. Low Cost SSL: If you need a highly secure shopping cart (https), you can purchase an SSL certificate for $49 a year. It didn’t become easy.

7. One Click Push from Production to Staging: Securely change and upgrade your website in the Staging area, see that the site works properly on the Staging URL, and then push your site from Staging to real-time production when you’re ready, with a single click.

All of this is in the WordPress dashboard. If you want, you can also push from production to staging and go in the other direction.

8. Blazing Very Fast Page Load Speed: WP Engine has the best and fastest WordPress hosting environment, providing some of the fastest page loads available from any web host. It can be your best managed WordPress hosting.

Page loading is now a major factor Google uses when ranking pages, so you can’t afford to slowly load pages that negatively impact your rankings, or because your pages are loading too slowly and you’re losing site visitors.

9. One Click Clear Page Cache: When you update your site, you want to see how they look, including any recent changes you’ve made, and you don’t want to see cached pages that might not show the latest changes.

Simply click in the WP Engine portal or in the WordPress dashboard to clear the page cache to ensure you see recent site changes. It’s one of the best and fastest WordPress hosting service providers which you can count on.

10. WP Engine User Portal: SMTP users and many other features can be easily added directly from the graphical interface provided by the WP Engine User Portal.

With this feature, you can easily give plugin developers temporary access to your website files for troubleshooting purposes.

11. Dashboard URL Redirects: Create a URL redirect in the WP Engine portal to point any old page to the correct new page URL. This is handy if you have updated the page location or page slug (i.e. changed “Contact Us” / about / contact-us / to “Contact” / contact /).

No more clunky HTTP access files can be managed, and no more URL redirect plugins to slow down your website.

12. Built-in Caching: WP Engine has a built-in page cache that can significantly speed up the return of your website or blog to visitors by providing faster web pages. With a single click, you can add caching to your WP Engine hosting site to help you load images, PDF files, and web pages faster.

13. Built-in CDN: With a single click, you can add CDN (Content Delivery Network) functionality to your WP Engine hosting site to help you load images, PDF files, and web pages faster.

14. Domain Mapping: Regardless of where your domain name is registered, simply point it to the IP address of the WP Engine installation and map the domain inside WP Engine (simple), oh, your domain now points to your WP Engine hosting site.

15. Password Protect Your Entire Website: If you choose, you can protect your entire website, segmentation, production, or both with a one-click password. This is handy when you are in the development phase and don’t want to publish your site before you are ready to publish.

It’s also a good idea to password-protect your Staging environment so that Google doesn’t crawl it and count it as duplicate content from content you post on Production.

16. Reset File Permissions: Sometimes, when you add a new plugin, you need to change the file permissions to make it work. You can easily reset file permissions within the WP Engine portal, or you can easily reset file permissions from the WordPress dashboard by clicking it.

17. Link to WordPress Dashboard: The WP Engine portal provides a direct link to the WordPress dashboard (wp-login) for all WordPress sites. This usually means you don’t have to store bookmarks for all your sites because you can quickly access all sites directly from the WP engine.

18. Website Migration Plugin: Easily port your website from other web hosting or server environments to the WP engine hosting using the free WP Engine website migration plugin.

You can view your site on a temporary URL provided by the WP engine to ensure that your site works properly before pointing the domain to the WP engine.

19. Easily Switch Between Staging and Production Without VPN: You can switch between staging and production environments without having to make VPN access to it, log out of the VPN for another environment, or require a special password.

20. Access to PhpMyAdmin: Sometimes, advanced users need access to the WordPress database. The WP Engine Portal provides a link to PhpMyAdmin for managing your WordPress database.

21. One Click Convert from Single-Site to Multisite: Running out of WP Engine and not wanting to upgrade the hosting plan? Want to share plugins and theme libraries between sites and manage them with a single WP login?

Consider converting a single WordPress installation to a multi-site installation. With WordPress Multisite, you can add as many sites as you like under a WordPress installation and login.

WordPress Multisite is a shared environment for all “subsites” or “blogs” in a WordPress multi-site installation where all subsites share a common library of themes, plugins, and optional media upload files.

Each child site can still have its own unique domain mapped to it. With WP Engine Portal, you can easily convert a single site to multiple sites or convert multiple sites to a single site.

22. Git Push: For developers, WP Engine Portal provides the ability to set up Git credentials and push the latest files from Git to a WordPress site or blog. After setting up Git Push integration in the user portal, you will be able to get a snapshot copy of the application you want to use.

23. Manage Multiple Websites Under One Dashboard: The WP Engine User Portal allows you to manage all your sites from one location at a time (how many sites depend on your hosting plan). You can also increase or decrease the quantity at any time.

24. Error Logs: Sometimes WordPress plugins or themes can cause conflicts or errors on your website or blog. In many cases, such problems reveal themselves only through features or content that appear to be corrupt on your site.

You can easily view the error log from the WP Engine portal to help resolve any issues that may arise. It will help you solve the problem and you will be able to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

25. Reasonable Prices: Pricing depends on various packages on the basis of features. Normally, A website or blog is priced at $28 a month, and if you pay 4 months a year for free (all plans), the WP engine is great value for money! I think it’s the best hosting provider which you can consider.

You can get more discounts for your future use if you can stay with them! You can get it for free for 4 months! Use my coupon code to get a 20% discount on my first payment! Coupon code: wpe20off

WP Engine Pros:
  • WP Engine hosting delivers impressive page speeds, which will help your visitors and SEO.
  • Hacked Sites Fixed at No Charge.
  • Excellent Support Response Times.
WP Engine Cons:
  • Won’t fit into everyone’s budget.
  • No Free Domain.
  • No email hosting is included.

As you see above there are many benefits of Wp Engine is the best maintainer of best WordPress hosting and provides a huge facility for everyone. Don’t forget to look at our blog post about 35 Best Web Hosting for Small Business in 2024 (Pros and Cons) It can help you more to make buying decisions.

I think, after reading Wp Engine Review, now you can catch the idea why WP Engine is one of the best managed wordpress hosting providers for hosting your WordPress websites.





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